The day I was told something is wrong with your child was the start of my journey. Our son, Preston, was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. As I began embracing the autism lifestyle, it led me to live a more meaningful life of awareness, acceptance, and a complete shift in perspective. The choice to grow from the trials and tribulations I was facing daily brought me to my purpose. I believe purpose comes in pieces from God alone.
My calling is to share my journey although there is still a long road ahead. The earlier a parent can find acceptance and start to understand autism, the earlier the intervention can begin. Pieces of Me includes a beneficial toolbox of tips on self care, anxiety, and academics to support parents along their journey. Autism is not a one size, fits all. Every child is unique. Each family dynamic is completely distinct. Every journey of autism is quite different. A puzzle can be a bit of a mystery but filled with wonder at the same time. How will the many different pieces complete the picture? Every piece is necessary and fits somewhere. Pieces of Me is a faith-filled parenting book demonstrating how the pieces of our lives are intentionally woven together to bring connection and find the blessings in the middle of the messy.